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L'Association des Centres Sociaux de Wattrelos

Our values

ACSW users have established a set of shared values and aims called “The Project of the Association”. These are the core principles of the association, the ideals that we all have decided to act for and pursue through this common Project:

  • Laïcité is one of the main principles of the French Republic. It means respect those who believe and those who do not believe in religion. ACSW users act for the promotion of diversity, freedom of thought and mutual understanding.
  • Respect means to greet each other, communicate, listen and accept each other’s opinions and beliefs. Our users promote toleration, fight discrimination, act for environmental protection and respect our material and premises, in order to ensure that future generations can also benefit from the association.
  • Solidarity and Commitment : ACSW users fight against social isolation, reaching out the less fortunate or those who feel lonely. Being part of a local community includes an individual commitment to act for the benefit of the society at large. Therefore, our users have developed a solidarity chain in which everyone is able to make everyone else’ life better; by giving, helping and sharing in accordance with their own capacities.
  • Democracy: ACSW promotes active citizenship in general as well as active participation of our users in the decision-making process of the association. Giving a voice to our users is one of our core principles whilst ensuring that volunteers, professionals and decision-makers are being heard. All our users are represented by the elected president of their Users Committees (i.e. one in each community centre). Then, the three Presidents of the Users Committees, as well as Staff Representatives are invited to join the Board of Directors. Maintaining a permanent democratic dialogue within our organisation is an ongoing concern.

Association Centres Sociaux de Wattrelos

SIège de l'Association
21 Rue Louis Dornier
59150 Wattrelos

Téléphone : 03 20 66 35 00

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-Logos Ville Wattrelos
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